Elite Ambassadors

Meet The Team

At just 26 years old, Dalton is one of the top-ranked Bellator fighters. With an 8-1-0 record, Rosta has shown impressive skills inside the octagon. He credits his success to his team. Working with Elite on his nutrition and programming, we help keep Dalton hit weight while maintaining his strength, speed, and athleticism. And he’s not done. So follow Dalton’s inevitable rise to becoming a champion along with us.

Dalton “Hercules” Rosta

Stephanie Weiss

As a popular fit-fluencer, Steph has to keep her physique in peak shape. As a fitness instructor and model, she has a busy schedule and has to maintain her energy. She turns to the team at Elite to help her stay locked in. Online Steph connects with people all over the world about fitness, mindset, and beauty, fusing her interest. Follow Steph and connect with her about all things lifestyle and Elite Living

Man tying shoelaces on one knee while running.

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